Saturday, February 18, 2012

ITP - Argentina | Gimnasia y Esgringa La Plata | Day 1

Note - the internet was largely blocked until Saturday evening after dinner. The only building at Gimnasia y Esgringa La Plata that has a wireless connection was being used for the First Team who was on campus in preparation for a very important match. Internet access should be much more available for the players and coaches from here on out.

All the players arrived early to the Dayton Airport and the check-in process was smooth, even for our first time flyer Rielly. The boys traveled very well even with a 4.5 hour lay-over in Atlanta. We were all entertained by Mark Coghlin’s pacing in hopes that the family could get on our flight and fortunately they did.

Most of the players slept 2-4 hours on the 10-hour flight. In-flight movies – Ides of March and Moneyball.